Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Thank you to all the service men and women that have served and still serve this country.  Your dedication and sacrifice is remembered and  appreciated.  That sounds so trite when put into words. 

I know I don't think of the service men and women every time I voice an opinion against the government or our leaders or when I attend a rally or protest march.  But because of them I can do these things.  So today in the midst of the celebration I will remember.  I will remember my daddy who served in Korea.  I will remember my grandpa that served in World War II.  I will remember my great grandpa that served in the Boer Wars.  I will remember the friends that served in Vietnam.  Thank you.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lazy Weekends

This is what the work week is all about, THE WEEKEND.  A chance to sit back, sleep in and relax.  The best part is this is a long weekend.  Saturday we got to sit around in our jammys reading, watching TV and just doing nothing.  Of course I did ask the boys what they wanted to do, but they didn't have any response.  They were way to busy doing important things like laying in a sunbeam.  Remember how Garfield couldn't make it through a sunbeam without falling asleep, well our boys go looking for those sunbeams on soft comfy places.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Milo has a new trick

I haven't decided if this is a good trick or a bad trick.  Milo has gotten into his head that if he wants me to get up, all he has to do is slap things off the dresser and mommy hops out of bed (ok, so at my age I don't hop so much, more of a slow moving zombie).  It use to be he was doing this on weekends after the sun was up and the birds were chirping.  Now, he's decided he wants me up before the birds.  And once I'm up, he's down for a nap, what's up with that.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've created a monster

I have two cats, Milo and Manny.  That's not unusal lots of people have cats.  However I've created monsters.  Milo demands, he doesn't ask, he demands half-n-half every morning.  You know how they say you shouldn't give you kitties dairy products, he didnt' read that. 

This morning he was particularly demanding, not only did he want his daily dose when I made my coffee, he wanted a second dose when we made our cups to go.  What's a mommy to do?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A great start to the day

Woke up this morning to the rumbling of thunder in the distance, with a kitty purring at my head.  It's the perfect way to start a Sunday.  We've been lucky this week and have received lots of rain, hopefully it'll make a dent in the drought we've been experiencing.  I know my grapes and blueberries really enjoyed the rain.

In spite of having chores that should have been done this weekend we've been taking the slow road.  Lots of reading of books, watching movies and doing a well needed recharge.

As I'm typing this rambling, I can see the gold fish in the water garden playing in the waterfall. I filled the feeders on the upper deck this morning and we've got a full feeder of finches, and deck full of squirrels munching.

The sun is just starting to break through the clouds and is glistening off the trees.  If I can get motivated I'll add a picture of it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Long time no type

As you can tell it's been ages since I added anything to this blog. You probably figured with went the way of the Carrier Pigeon.  But no such luck folks.  Since I've been dealing with a bit of a stomach bug today I decided to dust this off and bring it out again.