Monday, August 16, 2010

A Difference in Generations

I was brought up to say "Thank you" when I received a gift.  Ok, so I might have complained about it when I was a kid and I so hated having to write those notes but I did it.  Today, I may not always hand write a thank you note, but I like to believe that I always say thank you.

These days, I'm finding that the next generation and their children don't seem to know how to say thank you without prompting.  Maybe they don't like what I'm sending but shouldn't they still acknowledge it?  Am I expecting to much? 

I can accept a little child may not be able to write a thank you, but would it be to much to ask for the parents to do it?  At this time in history when sending a note is instantaneous they still can't manage to send a note.  Am I wrong to expect one? 

This has been a pet peeve of mine for a number of years and it's coming to a boiling point for me.  I'm tired of having to send notes to the parents asking if this kid or that kid got their gift.  I'm tired of having to ask if they liked the gift. 

Hmmm, maybe I should skip all the birthdays and Christmas and see what happens.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our boys and water

I'm not sure what it is with Milo and Manny but they are truly fascinated by water in all it's forms.  Last night while lying in bed reading I heard the boys playing with something and didn't think anything of it.  Until....the sound of glug, glug, glug.  They had managed to get the cap off the gallon jug of water we keep to fill the humidifier and knocked it over.  One gallon of water soaking into my carpeting.  So not amused. 

After an hour of scrubbing the carpet to get as much of the water up as possible we set the fan up to run.  Hopefully we got it cleaned up enough that we didn't damage the padding or subflooring.  You know, if I wasn't doing a new porch I'd be talking Mark into replacing the carpeting with bamboo.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

it's been a long time

Ah yes, it's been a long time since I've updated you on the goings on and a lot has been going on. 

We've signed the paper work for the new porch and they've actually started the framing (pictures to come later).  Now if the weather would cooperate I'd acutally get to sit out there.  It's either been beastly hot forcing both man and beast to seek shelter or it's been raining (I've got a dumpster in my driveway that's been leaking water non stop for two weeks).  I know, I shouldn't complain about the rain but hey I want my porch.  Actually the little bit of delay will work out.  The lights we ordered won't be in until mid to late August.

WeatherMaster came out and agreed to move the HVAC unit and pay a small amount towards the repair of the cut joists.  Though we did have to sign a release that frees them from any all future damages or responsibilities.  Wanna guess when we'll be call them again?  Yeah you got it, we won't have to worry about global warming.

Now that WeatherMaster has moved the HVAC unit in the attic, we're searching for new attic stairs.  Mark wants some that have a minimum of 300lb weight limit.  From his time doing HVAC he knows how heavy some of that equipment can be and a light weight ladder would be to dangerous.

While we've had the dumpster at the house we did pull down the icky nasty cabinets in the garage and the beat up work bench and tossed them both in to the dumpster.  It's amazing you can open the car door without hitting anything.  Both Mark & I are determined to declutter our lives.  A lot of that will involve getting rid of books, furniture and stuff we've accumulated since moving in to the house. 

Well, since my last posting we adopted a new kitty, Calypso.  She's about 2 years old and has had a rough beginning to her life.  At some point her tail was pulled so hard it cracked her spine forcing the amputation of her tail.  At some point in her young life she was exposed to heart worm but managed to fight it off.  She's been on the 21 day plan for retraining.  This consists of her being confined to a crate when we can't watch her and her only coming out when we can see what she's doing.  So far we're doing well, we've missed the kitty litter a couple of times in the crate, but I think that's more we're not real sure where our butt is in relation to the kitty litter pan.  Calypso is a little sweetie, the vet just loves her.  When she first moved in she was under weight and the vet said she never gets to to stay that.  Three weeks later, I was told to put Calypso on diet food since she gained 1 pound 10 ounces in three weeks.  So not good.  The boys, Milo and Manny are tolerating her but for the first couple of weeks there was a lot of hissing going on in the house, but for the most part they just ignore her.  One time, Milo allowed her to lie next to him and take a nap.  He even decided to give her a brief bath before noticing I was watching him and then he had to hiss and jump down.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another weekend comes to a close

All good things must end and this weekend isn't an exception.  We managed to do most of the laundry and will finish it up tomorrow.  Got some of the feeders filled to the delight of the birds and squirrels and managed to keep it to a relaxing weekend. 

Yes, there are chores that should have gotten done (mulching and weeding comes to mind) but lately Mark's been super busy at work and has needed down time to unwind and recharge for the next week.  While it hasn't been crazy for me I expect that to change as deadlines come screeching closer.

I did manage to get the first draft of my letter to Weather Master done, now to tone it down, I was a tad angry when I was writing it and it shows in the text.  Calling the president of the company a scum sucking leech probably is not the best way to start off the letter, but it sure was fun writing it that way.

Managed to watch a truly awful disaster flick for dinner.  It was so bad I can't even tell you the title, but they did plan on dropping a nuclear bomb to solve the problem. 

I'm still amazed they haven't done that in the gulf.  Of course with Rush telling us this is the result of eco-terrorism and it's all the nature lovers fault for not allowing drilling in ANWR that we have this little oil spill in the gulf.  Not to mention there's no worry about clean up Nature will take care of it herself.  Ok, enough with the preaching girl!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Covered Deck/porch

Well, I don't think I've mentioned it, but we're having a new covered porch added to the back of the house.  It's not screened in, just a permanent cover allowing us to sit out on the deck in all kinds of weather.  Ok, so we won't be able to sit out there in a hurricane but a good spring storm would work.  We're going Blue Ribbon Residential Construction, the only remodeling specialist I would work with (  We wanted to do both the back and add a porch to the front but because of unforeseen problems we can only do the back.

I didn't tell you about the that?  OMG, well, let me back track, a few months ago we had a Home Inspector come out to do a check on the house, not that we're selling but to find out what things need to be done around that house that we wouldn't necessarily know about.  You know, like the roof or insulation in the crawl space (you really think I'm crawling around under the house?).  We had Certified Residential Inspector do the inspection for us and Ed did a great job.  While there were little problems that we can repair over time the only big problem he discovered was when previous owners installed the attic stairs they cut the trusses.  Why didn't the inspector note this when we brought the house????  Good question with no answer.  To add to the fun, when WeatherMaster installed the AC unit in the attic, they cut trusses as well.  If we didn't have to do these two job, we'd have a front porch.  Needless to say, I am not amused.  So to end my ranting, this weekend I'm working on a nice letter to WeatherMaster asking them to reimburse us for the repairs.  What do you think my chances are that I can do a nice letter.  hmmmm my thoughts exactly.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Thank you to all the service men and women that have served and still serve this country.  Your dedication and sacrifice is remembered and  appreciated.  That sounds so trite when put into words. 

I know I don't think of the service men and women every time I voice an opinion against the government or our leaders or when I attend a rally or protest march.  But because of them I can do these things.  So today in the midst of the celebration I will remember.  I will remember my daddy who served in Korea.  I will remember my grandpa that served in World War II.  I will remember my great grandpa that served in the Boer Wars.  I will remember the friends that served in Vietnam.  Thank you.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lazy Weekends

This is what the work week is all about, THE WEEKEND.  A chance to sit back, sleep in and relax.  The best part is this is a long weekend.  Saturday we got to sit around in our jammys reading, watching TV and just doing nothing.  Of course I did ask the boys what they wanted to do, but they didn't have any response.  They were way to busy doing important things like laying in a sunbeam.  Remember how Garfield couldn't make it through a sunbeam without falling asleep, well our boys go looking for those sunbeams on soft comfy places.