Monday, August 16, 2010

A Difference in Generations

I was brought up to say "Thank you" when I received a gift.  Ok, so I might have complained about it when I was a kid and I so hated having to write those notes but I did it.  Today, I may not always hand write a thank you note, but I like to believe that I always say thank you.

These days, I'm finding that the next generation and their children don't seem to know how to say thank you without prompting.  Maybe they don't like what I'm sending but shouldn't they still acknowledge it?  Am I expecting to much? 

I can accept a little child may not be able to write a thank you, but would it be to much to ask for the parents to do it?  At this time in history when sending a note is instantaneous they still can't manage to send a note.  Am I wrong to expect one? 

This has been a pet peeve of mine for a number of years and it's coming to a boiling point for me.  I'm tired of having to send notes to the parents asking if this kid or that kid got their gift.  I'm tired of having to ask if they liked the gift. 

Hmmm, maybe I should skip all the birthdays and Christmas and see what happens.

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