Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another weekend comes to a close

All good things must end and this weekend isn't an exception.  We managed to do most of the laundry and will finish it up tomorrow.  Got some of the feeders filled to the delight of the birds and squirrels and managed to keep it to a relaxing weekend. 

Yes, there are chores that should have gotten done (mulching and weeding comes to mind) but lately Mark's been super busy at work and has needed down time to unwind and recharge for the next week.  While it hasn't been crazy for me I expect that to change as deadlines come screeching closer.

I did manage to get the first draft of my letter to Weather Master done, now to tone it down, I was a tad angry when I was writing it and it shows in the text.  Calling the president of the company a scum sucking leech probably is not the best way to start off the letter, but it sure was fun writing it that way.

Managed to watch a truly awful disaster flick for dinner.  It was so bad I can't even tell you the title, but they did plan on dropping a nuclear bomb to solve the problem. 

I'm still amazed they haven't done that in the gulf.  Of course with Rush telling us this is the result of eco-terrorism and it's all the nature lovers fault for not allowing drilling in ANWR that we have this little oil spill in the gulf.  Not to mention there's no worry about clean up Nature will take care of it herself.  Ok, enough with the preaching girl!!

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