Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Covered Deck/porch

Well, I don't think I've mentioned it, but we're having a new covered porch added to the back of the house.  It's not screened in, just a permanent cover allowing us to sit out on the deck in all kinds of weather.  Ok, so we won't be able to sit out there in a hurricane but a good spring storm would work.  We're going Blue Ribbon Residential Construction, the only remodeling specialist I would work with (  We wanted to do both the back and add a porch to the front but because of unforeseen problems we can only do the back.

I didn't tell you about the that?  OMG, well, let me back track, a few months ago we had a Home Inspector come out to do a check on the house, not that we're selling but to find out what things need to be done around that house that we wouldn't necessarily know about.  You know, like the roof or insulation in the crawl space (you really think I'm crawling around under the house?).  We had Certified Residential Inspector do the inspection for us and Ed did a great job.  While there were little problems that we can repair over time the only big problem he discovered was when previous owners installed the attic stairs they cut the trusses.  Why didn't the inspector note this when we brought the house????  Good question with no answer.  To add to the fun, when WeatherMaster installed the AC unit in the attic, they cut trusses as well.  If we didn't have to do these two job, we'd have a front porch.  Needless to say, I am not amused.  So to end my ranting, this weekend I'm working on a nice letter to WeatherMaster asking them to reimburse us for the repairs.  What do you think my chances are that I can do a nice letter.  hmmmm my thoughts exactly.

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